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Plan the translation of your annual reports in advance

During the first months of the year it’s once again time to create the annual reports, often in several languages and on a tight schedule. The process is similar to solving a large puzzle. The texts and financial figures of various functions are first collected and organised, then forwarded to a graphic designer for desktop publishing and to a translation agency for translation.

For the annual report to be finished in time and with good quality, every piece of the puzzle must fit together perfectly. It’s often useful to invite everyone involved in preparing the report to participate in the planning, including the translation agency.

Let the language experts help in desktop publishing too

Although often overlooked, it is worth ensuring that the translation agency and the graphic designer work well together. This is because each language version requires a different amount of space when printed. When an English annual report is translated into Swedish or Finnish, the translation can be significantly longer than the source text. The translation agency can help both the author of the text and the desktop publisher.

If you’re in need of annual report translations this spring, it’s good to start planning for the translations now. Making decisions early in the year helps ease the inevitable last-minute rush with finalising the annual report. We’ll be happy to help!